The following are statements from our students who became California Notaries

5.0 Star Rating!
If you're lucky enough to get Brenda Palm you are in for a treat!
Her stories connect to the material, she has great tips to CYA, and she is obviously well experienced.
I will continue to use Academy of Notaries Public - great material and many options for locations to take the course.
This is the second time I've used the 6-hour Online Course to renew my commission which shows how much I enjoyed it. The first time I passed with a 96; this time I passed with 100! I've taken the live seminars in the past and I find that I score better with the online course as there are reviews and practice exams available. Thanks!
“Thank you, Brenda! I wanted to let you know that I received a score of 97 on my exam! Taking the course with you gave me the extra boost of confidence I needed. Thanks again! Respectfully, PB.”
“Well, I am so surprised. Passed with a 96. Your prep tests and work material works. Thank you for your patience with me and all of your help.”
"Great instruction and extremely helpful materials. I passed my exam and I am ready to get to work! Thanks Brenda for all your time and knowledge."
"I received my test results and I scored a 100% on the exam. This is the highest I have ever scored! Thank you for the very helpful and informative course."
Your course was great! The result speaks for itself -- 25 correct (out of 25) on your pre-exam quiz and 100% on the actual Notary Exam. Thanks for everything.
"Hi!!! I'm excited to let you know I passed my notary test!! The class was great! It didn't feel like 6 hours, it was actually fun. Thank you so much!!" E.D.

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